Over 18 years ago, I sat in my Grandmother’s house with a purple spiral notebook jotting down every idea I had about creating what is now called Elite Dance Academy. I wrote down all of my dreams and shared them with my Dad for him to help me iron out those dreams down to the smallest detail. As I look back in that notebook, I see so many things that I had thought about that have now come to life, that have evolved into even better ideas and I see all of the love generated over the years. I am humbled by the magic that our staff and our families have created over the years.
What I know now is that the physical space might change. The names of programs might change. Recital as we know it might change. But, some things won’t change, ever.
What I know now more than ever is that the values and guiding principles of Elite have not wavered ONE BIT since we opened the doors in January of 2003. Never have I ever been more clear about that than right now.
During the COVID-19 shut down that we are experiencing, I continue to revisit our value of COMMITMENT in my mind. We have always been committed to fulfilling the mission and vision of Elite but now more than ever, that is our light at the end of the tunnel. It has brightened our way as we navigate completely unchartered waters now. We are clear that no matter the means, we will stay true to our commitment to serve our dancers and their families to be the second home they need when their lives are otherwise turned upside down. We will be the place (online or in-person) where they are accepted, where they can share how they are feeling, where they can just be themselves, where they are seen, where they can move, where they can share their passion with others…..once a week, twice a week or multiple times every single day.
We are COMMITTED to be the rock that our dancers need us to be to remind them that they matter, that their love of dance can be supported no matter what the world looks like.
Every day, since March 12th, I have woken up to another day of uncertainty but with clear vision about our path through this dedication to the Elite cause. It is not always easy to translate BUT it is easy to work with the dedicated staff who have the exact same values in their hearts for the dancers’ well-being, health and safety that I do.
I feel so grateful for the clarity that this value of COMMITMENT provides for me and the team! No matter what COVID-19 or anything else for that matter, throws at us, we have direction. We have drive. We have grit to get through and to thrive to make a real impact on the people who matter most to us, our dancers! We DO IT FOR THEM. WE DO IT FOR YOU.
I can put my head on my pillow at night knowing that day in and day out, we are trying to do the VERY BEST we can to bring our dancers what they need by meeting them where they are – in their living rooms, family rooms, kitchens, bedrooms or basements. COVID-19 can’t bring us down, instead, it will lift us up as a STRONG FAMILY who will come out on the other side, even closer than ever through our shared love and commitment to our craft of dance and to each other regardless of what “dancing at Elite” looks like – online or in-studio.
So, I have a whole new love for my purple spiral notebook to remind me from where we have come, where we are now and where we are going……..UP, UP, UP and nowhere else!! Our commitment is stronger than it has ever been and I appreciate the opportunity that COVID-19 has brought to me and my team to flex our resiliency muscles……#EDAStrongerTogether
As always, committed to your child’s happiness and success, Lisa